
R Shiny App: SPODE

This is an in-progress Shiny app for optimal design.  

Shen, Z., & Kelcey, B. (in progress). SPODE: Statistical power and optimal design of experiments detecting main, mediation, and moderation effects.

R package odr

This package is to help researchers design cost-efficient and effective (multilevel) experiments investigating main, mediation, and moderation effects by (a) solving optimal sample allocations that use the minimum budget to achieve adequate power; (b) comparing design efficiency between different sample allocations; and (c) explicitly accommodating costs and budget in power analyses.

​Suggested Citation (in APA format): Shen, Z., & Kelcey, B. (2023). odr: Optimal design and statistical power for experimental studies investigating main, mediation, and moderation effects (Version 1.4.4) [Software].

R package SEMsens

This package is to help researchers conduct sensitivity analysis for studies employing structural equation modeling.

​Suggested Citation (in APA format): Leite, W., Shen, Z., Fist, C., Suen, K., & Marcoulides, K. (2022). SEMsens: A tool for sensitivity analysis in structural equation modeling (Version 1.5.5) [Software].